A Shot of Island Tradition

Travel responsibly and sustainably

The story of an isolated island community that figured out how to raise a glass - vive la bagosse! - using what they had at hand

The inhabitants of Îles de la Madeleine enjoy a rich heritage woven by island inhabitants over time. During the long winter nights, neighbours would gather for a drink of homespun alcohol called la bagosse, or "the island beer," which was, for a long time, the only alcoholic beverage available on the islands.

Let yourself become intoxicated with the tales of Léonce Arseneau and his link to island heritage

That's changed — to the great satisfaction of all — and now there are a wealth of locally made drinks.

However, some traditions have withstood the test of time. If you go to Le Barbocheux, you can still sample different types of bagosse and other nectars made from island fruits. Respectful of traditional know-how, owners Léonce and Sylvie have perfected these typical local drinks, which are now the pride of all Madelinots. After you enjoy a few drinks and share a few stories, you'll see for yourself the great potential in the tiny berries that grow buffeted by the salty wind.

During your visits, you'll surely notice that one particular berry is used by many local producers. 

Le Barbocheux
Le Barbocheux
Le Barbocheux
Le Barbocheux
Le Barbocheux
Le Barbocheux
Le Barbocheux

The cranberry reigns supreme in the culinary creations of Gourmande de Nature, the beers of À l'abri de la Tempête microbrewery, and in the bagosses at Le Barbocheux. Forging strong partnerships with producers in the Havre-aux-Maisons area, this company is part of the Cantons Gourmands gourmet tour, along with Fumoir d'Antan and La Fromagerie du Pied-de-Vent. It's a route you don't want to miss.

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Les Îles de la Madeleine