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My Top 5 Locales For A Stroll

Sunset in the Îles de la Madeleine

A friend and I, both freshly arrived in the midst of winter, challenged ourselves to walk a different part of the Islands every week.

Here are some of our favourite discoveries!

La Côte Trail

La Côte Trail is, without a doubt, one of my favourite spots on the Islands. Located in the L'Étang-du-Nord neighbourhood, the walking path follows the cliffs' edge for kilometres. The bruised cliffs, still bearing the signs of high waves and strong winds, make up for truly breathtaking scenery.

Pointe aux Loups Beach

This one comes in a close second, and for good reasons - every time I visit, I feel like I've just been transported in another world. The sand dunes, although at the mercy of the elements, still manage to impose and comfort, stretching away endlessly. We can't help feeling small on a stage so grand. It's also where I've witnessed my favourite sunset so far, both thanks to the tableau and the people present. That's part of what makes the Islands so unique: there's exceptional beauty everywhere, and exceptional people to top it all off.

The Échourie Beach (Havre aux Maisons Island)

I'm especially fond ofthe sound of the pebbles being rolled away by the ebbing waves. I don't know about you, but it's the kind of music that deeply soothes me.And what to say of the bare hilltops and the grey cliffside that can be seen from down on the beach! There's even clay for the ones who would fancy a mask.

Entry Island

Yes, the Magdalen Islands are a gem to look at, but the landscapes of Entry Island are in a league of their own. Once on the island, everything is reachable by foot - like taking a stroll in a postcard, like two trips for the price of one. I love walking around and discovering new unseen wonders with every visit. I could spend days and days walking the island and every direction and making friends with the cows happily grazing on the loose. Just log off and head for the hills.

Boudreau Island

What I love most about this place is how you can go through four panoramas within minutes. It starts with a stretch of sandy beach, a few paces away froma pebble shore and burning red cliffs. Keep walking, and keep an eye on the horizon for dunes and a small lagoon! If luck is on your side, you'll even catch sight of a great blue heron. And on your way you go, towards the woodland and the promise of many raspberry-gathering breaks.The path finally brings you by the cliffs, where the stunning vista is dotted with friendly seals popping their head out of the water to say hi.


I'll never get enough of these strolls, of discovering all that which the Îles de la Madeleine have to offer.


Winter stroll in the Îles de la Madeleine

Par Léa Sanche Lefebvre

Lea first fell for the Islands during the summer of 2017. A few months later, she came upon her dream job and decided to swap Montreal's skyscrapers for the Magdalen Islands' horizon stretching as far as the eye can see. She now enjoys the everyday delights of her newfound life on the Maggies.

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