La Grave Audioguided Circuit

Travel responsibly and sustainably

The Municipality of Îles-de-la-Madeleine, with financial assistance from Culture et communications Québec and Caisse populaire des Ramées, propose an audio guided tour through the La Grave Historical Site, a unique site that is a witness of a time when La Grave was the cradle of the settlement of the archipelago and the fishing industry. Today La Grave offers a concentration of restaurants, cafes, shops, an aquarium, a museum, a marina, a theater, a fishing port and much more to entertain you.

16 sites for you to discover

This audioguide will allow you to explore La Grave historic Site at your leisure.

Simply proceed from one numbered terminal to the next as indicated on the map. Whenever you are ready tune into the soundtrack corresponding to the terminal number.

Map and audioguide:

The circuit is available on Balado Discovery. You can also download the version below. 

Download the map (recto)
(759 Ko)

Download the map (verso)
(1.32 Mo)

Audioguide La Grave
Logo Site historique de La Grave
Site de La Grave
Site historique de La Grave

Terminal 01 - Cap Shea

Terminal 02 - Defining La Grave

Terminal 03 - The natural harbor

Terminal 04 - The fiserman's dwellings

Terminal 05 - Old government dock

Terminal 06 - Along the shops

Terminal 07 - History of the docks

Terminal 08 - The decline of the activities

Terminal 09 - History of the punchon

Terminal 10 - Story of the winch

Terminal 11 - Story of the general store

Terminal 12 - Life in the ancient time

Terminal 13 - The herring smokehouses

Terminal 14 - The witness buildings

Terminal 15 - An implantation and integration architectural project

Terminal 16 - The historic site, its fragility and conservation

Itineraries and Circuits

x I Care For
Les Îles de la Madeleine