Travel responsibly and sustainably

The museums of the Îles de la Madeleine join forces to innovate!

With a common goal of enhancing the museum experience in the Îles de la Madeleine, the Musée de la Mer, the Centre d'interprétation du phoque (CIP) and the two English museums part of CAMI's Historical Complex (Council for Anglophone Magdalen Islanders) all partnered up around an innovative approach regarding the creation of tourist products for museums.

With the help of the Living Lab (LLio), which goal is to facilitate both open and collaborative innovations, and the ACCORD Recreational Tourism Cluster, the Réseau Muséal des Îles de la Madeleine undertakes a co-creation approach. This project aims to develop a new tourism experience, of which the relevance of implementing the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) will be directly validated by visitors. LLio's approach seeks to put the users in the heart of the development and innovation process of the museum industry of the Îles de la Madeleine. 

The co-creation approach will allow the examination, creation and experimentation of a prototype for a referencing and interpretation circuit, gathering all members of the Réseau Muséal des Îles de la Madeleine:

      1. Musée de la mer - Authorized representative of the project and financial partner
      2. Centre d'interprétation du phoque - Financial partner
      3. CAMI - Financial partner
      4. Fromagerie du Pied-de-Vent, Économusée des fromages
      5. Site d'Autrefois
      6. Artisans du sable
      7. Centre d'interprétation de Mines Seleine
      8. Écomusée de la Mi-Carême

To do so, the partners put together a series of participative activities that will be held from August 8-12, 2016: the sprint "MuséoZ'Îles". In addition to involving every organization of the Réseau Muséal des Îles de la Madeleine, this creative blitz will welcome businesses from the local ICT industry, at least for part of its programming. Both residents and visitors will also be invited to take part in the various activities offered.

The project receives financial assistance from the Ministère de l'Économie, de la Science et de l'Innovation (MESI), through the support program for the development of strategic industries, as well as from the ACCORD clusters of excellence and the Agglomération des Îles-de-la-Madeleine, through the Fonds de Développement des Territoires (FDT). Derived from the ACCORD project (a government strategy for regional and economic development), the administrative, technical and financial support of the Recreational Tourism Cluster is ensured by the Association Touristique Régionale (ATR) des Îles de la Madeleine.


Source: Musée de la Mer
Alice Pierre, Manager of the Musée de la Mer
Phone number: 418 937-5711

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