Travel responsibly and sustainably


Unveiling of the results of the study on the economic spin-offs of tourism in the archipelago



Îles de la Madeleine, November 7, 2012 - As part of the 10th edition of the Journée du tourisme, Tourisme Îles de la Madeleine revealed the results of the study on the economic spin-offs of tourism that was conducted by DAA Stratégies.  The objective of this study was to understand the extent of economic impacts with regards to visitors' expenditures at destination.


Through this study, Tourisme Îles de la Madeleine wanted to be able to more clearly demonstrate the important economic role played by the tourist industry in the region as well as its contribution to the economy in Québec. The 2010 end-of-stay survey conducted with 1,535 exiting visitors, representing 9 % of tourist traffic, provided a clearer picture of visitors' expenditures at destination. However, this survey failed to provide a complete picture given that the survey period covered only the summer months and did not take into account transportation expenses. It is important to note that maritime transportation, provided by the CTMA Group and representing more than 75 % of all entries, plays a significant financial role in the local economy.


According to the Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ), it is estimated that visitors' expenditures in 2011 are estimated at $69 millions in the local economy, thus representing an equivalent of 887 jobs/year and a total annual payroll of $22.3 millions, with an added value of $49 millions. The impacts were assessed using the intersectoral model simulations developed by the ISQ. This model has been used in Québec since 1972 by numerous agencies, in both the public and the private sectors, to measure economic impacts.  Among others, it is used by the ministère des Finances du Québec (Ministry of Finances of Québec).


It is also important to mention that the study on the economic spin-offs of tourism will provide the regional tourist association with a comprehensive picture of the economic benefits of tourism on its territory and its importance as a driving force for the economic growth. This picture will help the association support its claims at different levels of government who will have to make adjustments and review, in may cases, their intervention methods, especially with regards to promotion financing and developing products and attractions. 


Finally, this project was made possible thanks to its partners: Municipalité des Îles-de-la-Madeleine (through the Entente de partenariat régional en tourisme), CRÉGÎM, Canada Economic Development, Emploi-Québec, Caisses populaires Desjardins des Ramées, CLD des Îles-de-la-Madeleine, CTMA Group, SADC des Îles-de-la-Madeleine and Corbeil Boudreau & Associés Inc.  Tourisme îles de la Madeleine would also like to thank the businesses who took part in the realization of the study.


About Tourisme Îles de la Madeleine


Tourisme Îles de la Madeleine's key mandate is to bring the businesses of the archipelago to work together to expand the tourism industry. It also provides leadership regarding reception and information and for the development and marketing of the region as a tourist destination. The association comprises more than 320 businesses of Les Îles which are active in the tourism industry.



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Media contact:

Marie-Christine LeBlanc

Promotion and Communications Agent

Tourisme Îles de la Madeleine

418 986-2245, ext 227




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